People rightfully say that illiteracy is the root of all kinds of crime and evil. When people are ignorant they do things based on ignorance and superstitious beliefs. The medieval ages were called the dark ages and the reason was that there was no science or anything that would enlighten the people. Although, civilizations have come a long way and most of the people Rae now well-informed and educated, but still lots needs to be done and enter the education centred NGO in Kolkata. Here, the social activists focus on educating the masses and ensuring that knowledge reaches every nook and corner of India and touches the lives of one and all.
Primary education
When it comes to education, then primary schooling is a necessity. Many young children drop out of schools and colleges because they can’t financially afford education. This is one of the biggest hindrances in the lines of progress. At this juncture, top NGO in Kolkata takes the initiative to teach the children and fund their primary education. There are many schools attached to the NGOs who offer education for free for such children. From admission to books and even conducting regular classes – the NGOs take care of everything with respect to education.

Educating the deserving
Many children drop out of schools right after the primary education is over. Their parents get them to do menial jobs in tea stalls for earning the bread and butter for the family. At such a point, the child has no option, but to sacrifice their dreams. Well, that’s not the case anymore, as NGOs are in the lookout of deserving pupils who are eager to study and have achieved good results in their examinations. Such deserving children deserve a better and brighter future and with little monetary help and lots of emotional support from the NGOs such thing is possible. NGOs are known to fulfil dreams and make the deserving candidates rise in the society. There are plenty of examples, how an education NGO in Kolkata has helped children realize their dreams.
Educating the interested
Some children have big dreams of becoming a Doctor or a Chartered Accountant, but because of financial distress, they need to sacrifice such dreams. Such stories are heartbreaking, but thanks to the NGOs there are students who are getting opportunities to study and make a great career out of it. Educating the interested candidates is one of the initiatives taken up by the best NGOs present and working.

NGO is a non-profit organization and whatever funds that are collected are invested in educating the children and advocating other activities for the welfare of society. If you are interested to get connected with any well-reputed and renowned education NGO in Kolkata, then you also need to analyze their website and access the kind of social service that they take up. Get to know the NGO and be a part of a noble cause.