Thursday, March 12, 2020

Help the NGO & save the children in Kolkata

You must have come across many stories about child labor and child trafficking. Yes, they are all scary stories and such things need to be stopped. Although the government bodies have taken different measures, but it’s important to do something more to save the children in Kolkata – that’s the reason why people start looking for NGO in Kolkata. They want help for a non-profit organization who genuinely cares and wishes well for one and all. As a citizen, you might start reporting cases to the NGO, but a great move would be to join hands with them and start working for the welfare of these children.

Childhood is fun for the rich, but it’s the poor who have to bear the misery. That’s the reason why NGO organizations have setup things to help the children of the poor get a proper life that they long for.

save the children in kolkata

Child labor

Making a child to tasks is fine, but when the child is employed for menial work and treated like a slave for mere wages, then that’s not fine. Children have no clue how to report their problems or misery. Their parents and family are too poor and clueless about where to find help. In the occurrence of such a situation, things need to be reported to a well-reputed NGO for taking necessary action. Many a time, the child themselves opt for employment and are paid well, but you never know when such situations turn ugly and might be a cause of worry.

Child marriage

Although such things are not practiced now, but in villages due to economic crisis, families get their 16-year-old daughters married off to 30-40-year-old men – many a time against the wish of the girl. The girl is forced into matrimony and treated like a slave by the man and his family. NGOs visit such places and carry out the rescue operations to save the child from such cruelty. Although, this might fall under women empowerment, but no one can ignore this kind of social evil that’s still prevalent in the interior villages of India.

Child trafficking

Child trafficking is a huge concern in West Bengal. Children are taken away from their homes and sold off to places where they are exploited as slaves or forced to work in the flesh trade. The situation is horrifying, as the child is abused each day without mercy. Every year millions of trafficking cases come up, but sadly not all children are saved. NGOs play a huge role in helping families and the police find the estranged child. The network of the NGOs is spread far and wide to help track the child and him/her back home.

Well, these are just the main pointers that NGOs focus on, but several other things also need their attention. People interested in helping and serving the nation are now joining hands with NGOs and helping them to save the children in India.