Monday, November 18, 2019

Helping street children – What the top NGO in Kolkata have to say!

When people talk about ‘street children’, the general things that come to the mind is the child begging on the street with a group of women. People say that they are employed in begging. Well, some are, but not all. Some children are actually homeless and stay in utter misery and poverty. They don’t get a proper meal in a day, forget any kind of luxury. A wholesome meal for them is God sent. But who will give them a full meal per day? Here, comes in the role of top NGO in Kolkata.

Let’s find out how top NGOs help these ‘street children’ get a better life.


An empty stomach can lead the children astray and some might resort to unethical practices to get a wholesome meal. By educating the children, the best NGO in Kolkata ensures that the child gets a job and the poverty chain is broken for good. There are some NGOs who are connected with schools. They ensure that the homeless child gets education free of cost. The NGO takes the entire responsibility of the child’s tuition fees, school fees, books, stationery and all items.

top ngo in kolkata

One meal per day

The homeless children go hungry for days. With a hungry stomach the only thing that comes to their mind is to beg for food and that too, gets them only a few crumbs of bread. Poverty is like a curse and with begging this curse continues from one generation to the other and one day these homeless children fall prey to gangster groups and commit heinous crimes, just to support their homeless families.

NGOs come to their rescue and provide the children with one meal per day. This not only quenches their hunger, but with regular lunches, counselling sessions are also held, to guide the children towards a better life. They are provided free education and also NGOs make sure that these children get proper job assistance.

Medical treatment

Last, but also the most important of all. The NGO in Kolkata looks after medical treatment of the child. A homeless child feels, eats and plays in the streets and that’s why people call them street children. With the rising pollution levels, these children who doesn’t get proper care and medical treatment. All this might be affecting the health of these children. But, with no money to buy food, they can’t even think of getting proper medical treatment. The NGOs are organizations who take care of such unprivileged children during times of crisis.

Being a citizen of India and being blessed with all the necessities and luxuries, many gracious donors have come up to the NGO in Kolkata to offer their help. There are a lot of things that are yet to be done. NGOs are waiting for people to come forward and be a part of this noble cause.

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